BODPAVE™ 85 – Gravel filled porous paver for running track (Chesire)
Running and fitness training track
Personal trainer
TERRAM BodPave™ 85
BodPave™ 85
Application Function
Market Sector
Landscaping (Running Track)
Product Solutions
Clare Burrell, a personal trainer from Cheshire required an economic, all weather training surface for herself and her clients
to undertake a full range of fitness activities including; running, cross training and body conditioning.
TERRAM BodPave™ 85 pavers were suggested as a solution due to their ability to retain gravel in an environmentally friendly and
aesthetically pleasing way. The pavers are laid onto a free-draining base and can be gravel or grass filled, both options provide a
stable surface which is porous and therefore aids the drainage of water.
The track was installed in July 2012 and has been in frequent use since then. The combination of the paver and the aggregate fill
provide a stable surface, soft enough for regular exercise.
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