
TERRAM World Environment Day 2019

6 June 2019

This past 5th of June, we celebrated World Environment Day at TERRAM (and across all Berry Global Europe sites) with some great initiatives to engage the team to contribute towards waste reduction.  

Every 5th of June since 1974 the United Nations organizes the World Environment Day. The initiative strives to raise awareness and take action on pressing environmental issues, focusing on driving a change in our behaviours to fight climate change, protect oceans and forests, and empower sustainable consumption. 

We found waste reduction would be a great initiative to implement at TERRAM on this day. The accumulation of waste in nature produces adverse and harmful effects in the environment and living species, accelerating climate change. 

The good thing is there are many things we can do to change that, starting by educating ourselves about proper waste disposal. Recycling in the right way, collecting waste from public areas and optimising single use plastics are some of the things we found we could contribute with at TERRAM. 

At TERRAM’s Maldon site we had a litter pick up in the yard and by the sea.  

“A fantastic turn out of support with all department’s fully engaging in the activity!  We had timed relay teams each focussing on specific areas and it was surprising how much waste we collected!” Tricia Kenneley, HR Manager 

We are also proud to have installed an electric charging point on site for our company vehicles and the majority of our cars are PHV’s: 

At Berry Global’s site in Barcelona the whole office went for a beach clean-up. We started with a meeting to educate ourselves on the activity, followed by a mindfulness activity. Then we got to work! We collected, sorted, weighted and disposed of the litter.  

The outcome was great, uniting our teams to contribute to the environment while having a great time doing so. 

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