
Fabric Geocells

3D cellular confinement system that is expanded on-site to form a honeycomb-like structure which can be filled a suitable permeable infill material for multiple applications.

TERRAM Geocells

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Terram Geocells be used to form retaining walls?

Yes, TERRAM geocells can be used to form retaining structures although this is not an application area that we actively promote in the UK market due to historic lack of demand. Different grades of TERRAM Geocells can be manufactured specifically for retaining structure applications but are made to order and there is a minimum order quantity. 

Are Terram Geotextile Geocells permeable?

Yes, TERRAM Geotextile Geocells are manufactured from 100% permeable nonwoven geotextile fabric allowing ground water to pass through the cell walls rather than cascading over or underneath causing soil erosion.

Can I staple Geocells together?

Geocells can be stapled together using heavy duty galvanised metal staples, UV stabilised nylon cable ties or steel u-bars. Minimum 3 staples per joint at 25mm spacings. Please refer to the Geocell erosion control SDI for further details. 

How many pins are needed per SQM when fixing a Geocell panel?

The general rule of thumb is 10 No. pins per TERRAM Geocell panel on a flat surface (Tree Root Protection) and 90 No. pins per panel on a slope (erosion control) however site specific conditions may require more or less. 

What grade of Geocell do I need for Tree Root Protection?

25/10, 25/15 or 22/20 depending upon the strength of the underlying ground and the loading conditions. Please refer to the TERRAM Geocell Tree Root Protection SDI guide for more details. 

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